Part 2 (Fully-developed turbulence)
The word “developed” has already been employed for the small-scale three-dimensional turbulence which appears in the mixing-layer experiments. Fully-developed turbulence is a turbulence which is free to develop without imposed
constraints. The possible constraints are boundaries, external forces, or viscosity. One can easily observe that the structures of a flow of scale comparable
with the dimensions of the domain where the fluid evolves cannot deserve to
be categorized as “developed”.
The same remark holds for the structures directly created by the external
forcing, if any. So no real turbulent flow, even at a high Reynolds number, can
be “fully developed” in the large energetic scales. At smaller scales, however, rbulence will be fully developed if the viscosity does not play a direct role in
the dynamics of these scales.
This will be true if the Reynolds number is high
enough so that an “inertial-range” can develop.
In the preceding experimental
examples of the jet and the mixing layer, one actually obtains fully-developed
turbulence at scales smaller than the large energetic scales and larger than the
dissipative scales. On the contrary, in the majority of grid-turbulence experiments, the Reynolds number is not high enough to enable an inertial range
to develop. The small three-dimensional turbulent scales of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans, or Jupiter and Saturn, are certainly fully developed. But
the planetary scales of these flows are not, because of constraints due to the
rotation, thermal stratification and finite size of planets. In this monograph,
the term “developed” will mainly be used for three-dimensional flows, though
it could be generalized to some high Reynolds number two-dimensional flows
constrained to two-dimensionality by some external mechanism which does
not affect the dynamics of the two-dimensional eddies once created.
An interesting issue about the structure of fully-developed turbulence concerns the possibility of fractal or multi-fractal distributions. This problem has
been studied by Mandelbrot and Frisch .
Finally, we stress that it is possible, for theoretical purposes, to assume
that turbulence is fully developed in the large scales also, when studying
a freely-evolving statistically homogeneous turbulence (without any mean
shear): there is in this case no external force or boundary action.
constraints. The possible constraints are boundaries, external forces, or viscosity. One can easily observe that the structures of a flow of scale comparable
with the dimensions of the domain where the fluid evolves cannot deserve to
be categorized as “developed”.
The same remark holds for the structures directly created by the external
forcing, if any. So no real turbulent flow, even at a high Reynolds number, can
be “fully developed” in the large energetic scales. At smaller scales, however, rbulence will be fully developed if the viscosity does not play a direct role in
the dynamics of these scales.
This will be true if the Reynolds number is high
enough so that an “inertial-range” can develop.
In the preceding experimental
examples of the jet and the mixing layer, one actually obtains fully-developed
turbulence at scales smaller than the large energetic scales and larger than the
dissipative scales. On the contrary, in the majority of grid-turbulence experiments, the Reynolds number is not high enough to enable an inertial range
to develop. The small three-dimensional turbulent scales of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans, or Jupiter and Saturn, are certainly fully developed. But
the planetary scales of these flows are not, because of constraints due to the
rotation, thermal stratification and finite size of planets. In this monograph,
the term “developed” will mainly be used for three-dimensional flows, though
it could be generalized to some high Reynolds number two-dimensional flows
constrained to two-dimensionality by some external mechanism which does
not affect the dynamics of the two-dimensional eddies once created.
An interesting issue about the structure of fully-developed turbulence concerns the possibility of fractal or multi-fractal distributions. This problem has
been studied by Mandelbrot and Frisch .
Finally, we stress that it is possible, for theoretical purposes, to assume
that turbulence is fully developed in the large scales also, when studying
a freely-evolving statistically homogeneous turbulence (without any mean
shear): there is in this case no external force or boundary action.